
…less than a month

9 Aug , 2022  

This is the last week at work, and eventually, the “big away” is getting closer. Its …less than a month, and the last months have been very busy. Not only because there were things at work that had to be finished. But there was a year-long trip to prepare.

The most important thing was to secure us a car. This task quickly turned into a many-month-long story. Eventually we ended up with a former Bushlore car – who might have thought that! Maybe, we will write a separate post later. Once we had settled the vehicle, we had to get plain tickets (our beloved travel agency that had helped us during many years closed because of the pandemic… – Fortunately, they recently have re-emerged and are now back in business. Yay!). Another important task was to find people who’d like to move into our place while we are away. Eventually, we found an interested party, got the landlord’s Okay and made a contract. We will remove parts of our stuff and transport it to my grandparents, to provide the subtenants enough space for their belongings.

So much to do

And there were many more things to do in a month: get our vaccination status updated, find a way to keep health insurance for “the world”, quit diverse subscriptions or put them on hold, submit tax declarations (well, well, never in time…), prepare and perform a full-fledged birthday party for Paul, start detailed planning, so we’ll have some milestones to tell friends and family who’d love to visit us down South, and so forth. Not to mention that I tore the tendons at my left ankle joint, and we all got Corona – this time with some persistence in the coughing none of us had ever experienced. Fortunately, we did not develop long-covid symptoms and eventually recovered.



4 Responses

  1. Hanno says:

    Hey, Ihr Lieben, ich wünsch Euch schon mal alles Gute für die Reise, und für den Moment, dass Ihr mit Euren Vorbereitungen rechtzeitig fertig werdet!! 🙂 Liebe Grüße!

  2. matz says:

    Lieber Hanno,
    vielen Dank, das hoffen wir auch! 😉 Gerade herrscht noch Hochbetrieb…
    Herzliche Grüße,

  3. Marion, Bernd, Luis & Henry says:

    Hallo von Marion, Bernd, Luis & Henry und viele Grüsse aus Heidelberg zu euch!

    Wir wünschen euch eine schöne Zeit und guten Start!

    Und wir sind auch schon ein bisschen gespannt auf den ersten Bericht von euch!

  4. matz says:

    Hallo Ihr Vier,
    Danke für die netten Grüße! Wir sind jetzt unterwegs und nur sehr selten ist Zeit überhaupt etwas aufzuschreiben, geschweige denn WLAN zu haben und zu nutzen. Wir müssen uns da erst noch richtig eingrooven, aber das wird schon. Nach einem Abstecher zum Waterberg sind wir nun auf dem Weg ins Damaraland, Badestop in Groß Barmen war schon dabei, heute fahren wir von der Farm Amib weiter zur Spitzkoppe. Internet wirds vermutlich erst wieder am Brandberg geben, in ein paar Tagen.
    Ganz liebe Grüße,
    Paul, Sabine und Matz

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